Netty Nio Epoll Bug 🐛 2 Of Transportnative4 1 69 Final Jar · Issue

The nio threads are not being killed, causing a memory leak. 使用io复用,linux下一般默认就是epoll,java nio在linux下默认也是epoll机制,但是jdk中epoll的实现却是有漏洞的,其中最有名的java nio epoll bug就是即使是关注. We found it because our code waits for connection event success/failure (using “channelfuturelistener”) without timeout and this event was not returned.


Netty Nio Epoll Bug 🐛 2 Of Transportnative4 1 69 Final Jar · Issue

I'm running my java app in tomcat 8.5.29. 在java原生使用 nio (epoll) 中,会存在一个著名的 bug —— epoll 空轮训导致cpu出现100%的情况出现. 能否解释一下这个问题的成因和 netty 是如何 解决 的?这个问题的成因是 nio 底层 epoll 实现 存在 缺陷,它会频繁空轮询所有连接,即使没有新事件发生也会遍历所有连接。 这会导.

在 java nio 中有一个著名的 bug epoll, 这个 bug 会导致 reactor 线程被唤醒, 进行空轮询, 最终cou 100%爆满, 那么 netty 是怎么解决 epoll bug 的呢.

I get the following exception while shutting down the tomcat server. Thread dump for the four nioclient based worker threads that are chewing up all the cpu. 在 java nio 中有一个著名的 bug epoll, 这个 bug 会导致 reactor 线程被唤醒, 进行空轮询, 最终cou 100%爆满, 那么 netty 是怎么解决 epoll bug 的呢. Few months back, i was able to perform load test with 15hits per sec without even reaching 25% of cpu utilization but now when i am performing a load test even with 5hits per.

During load testing, we found that epoll transport uses around 55% cpu compared to around 20% for nio, just for maintaining the connections without doing any. Jdk nio的epoll bug,会导致selector空轮询,最终导致cpu 100% bug出现的原因.

Netty 解决/规避了JDK的NIO bug了吗? 知乎

Netty 解决/规避了JDK的NIO bug了吗? 知乎



Netty巧妙的规避了JDK在linux中NIO的epoll的空轮询Bug_jdk epoll bug_HD243608836的博客CSDN博客

Netty巧妙的规避了JDK在linux中NIO的epoll的空轮询Bug_jdk epoll bug_HD243608836的博客CSDN博客