Half-life 2 Burnt Corpse Original Image Hd Ep Bloody Halflife Mods

The people in this post's comments are glancing over the fact that the original image used in the texture came from medical books (even richter, the one who shed light on this, showed that it. Here is a site on the original image of the corpse01.mdl. Whether or not corpse01.mdl is based on this.

HalfLife 2 Valve skorzystało z prawdziwego zdjęcia ofiary pożaru

Half-life 2 Burnt Corpse Original Image Hd Ep Bloody Halflife Mods

The model is a burnt corpse with a horribly disfigured face that can be. It was launched in 2004, half life 2 it became a very popular and influential game, causing many characters and assets to be used in other projects. This is the case form known.

As reported by the gamer, the discovery was shared by twitter user richterovertime who took to the site to write:

Texture artist may have looked up 'facial decomposition' and found photographs from a pathology textbook to use as a reference, even mirroring the original image to make it. Fans believe they’ve figured out what the corpse01.mdl character model is based on and… it’s not pretty! About two weeks ago, someone posted photographs of dead corpses that they said were taken from a medical forensic textbook, including one of a man who had his face. Please keep in mind this is a real burnt face, if your sensitive to gore please dont click on the link, i warn you.

In addition to the plot flow of.

half life 2 burnt corpse real epic *EXPLAINED* YouTube

half life 2 burnt corpse real epic *EXPLAINED* YouTube

HalfLife 2 Valve skorzystało z prawdziwego zdjęcia ofiary pożaru

HalfLife 2 Valve skorzystało z prawdziwego zdjęcia ofiary pożaru

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Gamer Temukan Salah Satu Model di Half Life 2 Ternyata Gunakan Gambar