Expometroconfig.loadasync Is Not A Function Lodsync Working With Fbx Ndroid · Sue 151 · Expo Expothree

If the font isn't statically optimized, it could be because it was loaded inside a useeffect, deferred component, or async function. I don't know what might be causing it. I didn't have this issue before.

ExpoMetroConfig.loadAsync is not a function · Issue 27837 · expo/expo

Expometroconfig.loadasync Is Not A Function Lodsync Working With Fbx Ndroid · Sue 151 · Expo Expothree

It's not stupid, they changed the api, should have a deprecation warning and support the initial way of their export. Fontfamily 'lobster' is not a system font and has not been loaded through font.loadasync. My app uses crna and expo, and my issue is that the font.loadasync() asynchronous function can't locate a.otf font file in the assets/fonts/ folder in my project.

Expo runs on android, ios, and the web.

Try out the techniques discussed in this manual debugging guide to learn how to isolate the problem from the rest of your codebase. Static optimization is only supported with. That's understandable, it can take some. If you intended to use a system font, make sure you typed the name correctly.

Instead of using the expo publish command, which may lead to errors like resolve expometroconfig.loadasync is not a function, you can use eas to update your app.

Solved ExpoMetroConfig.loadAsync is not a function YouTube

Solved ExpoMetroConfig.loadAsync is not a function YouTube

javascript ExpoMetroConfig.loadAsync is not a function when i run

javascript ExpoMetroConfig.loadAsync is not a function when i run

ExpoMetroConfig.loadAsync is not a function · Issue 27837 · expo/expo

ExpoMetroConfig.loadAsync is not a function · Issue 27837 · expo/expo