Torque Settings For Savage Mark Ii Boyds Stockabout 2 Boyd’s Stock Pillar Glass Bedded Ewr Rings And Base

Any body know what the recommended torque settings should be on the stock assembly and trigger/magazine screws for the mark 1 fvp (composit stock) B22 fv action screw torque specs? That is what i torque my btvlss to with the boyds stock and the gvl with the solid wood stock.

Savage MK II TR 22 lr action screws torque values? Rimfire Central

Torque Settings For Savage Mark Ii Boyds Stockabout 2 Boyd’s Stock Pillar Glass Bedded Ewr Rings And Base

Screws for wood stocks have a torque. Does anyone have info on the stock screw torque settings for savage mark ii and 93 r17 rimfire rifles. If the stock is not bedded or does not have.

I have a fvxp that i just purchased a boyds tactical stock for, and want to know the best recommended in/lbs.

I just bought a 9317fv (synthetic stock) nand am going over it to tighten up the. Do any of you guys know the torque specs for a savage mark ii. Typically it's best to simply start the front just enough to hold the receiver to the stock, turn the rifle vertically so the lug makes good contact with the lug inlet and torque the. Torque settings are critical to achieving the maximum accuracy out of your rifle.

As part of my build design i. My thinking is that if i exactly match the length of the pillar to the space between the action lug and bottom metal then additional action screw torque doesn't pull the action any. I have read that the torque spec is 15 inch lbs. I got a boyds stock cheap and cant find torque settings for them, its going onto one of my weatherby's and there site only say's.

Savage MK II TR 22 lr action screws torque values? Rimfire Central

Savage MK II TR 22 lr action screws torque values? Rimfire Central

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My mark ii sets in a custom chassis i machined myself. I'd like to adjust my trigger, and sadly savage did not see fit to make it adjustable without removing the stock.

Savage MK II TR 22 lr action screws torque values? Rimfire Central

Savage MK II TR 22 lr action screws torque values? Rimfire Central

Restocking a Savage MKII FVT with a Boyd's Stock The Firearms Forum

Restocking a Savage MKII FVT with a Boyd's Stock The Firearms Forum