Matchexpressions V1.labelselectorrequirement Nil Field Is Immutable 问题已处理 Helm更新job类型报错 Csdn博客
So, you can delete this deployment first, then apply it. This article provides a detailed explanation. Learn why the nil field of matchexpressions v1.labelselectorrequirement is immutable and how to work around this limitation.
helm upgrade 部署失败 MatchExpressions[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil
Field is immutable reason reason: Release nginx does not exist. `selector` does not match template `labels` * spec.selector:.
The error occurs when i change the field image from.:
As part of the greater controller ga effort, we have removed defaulting spec.selector to spec.template.labels values in apps/v1beta2 as the defaulting operation is. I am not able to use match expressions for setting the filter condition. When any of immutable fields was changed in template, helm upgrade fails because it can't update resources (output below). I am trying to used set based selectors for replica set in kubernetes.
To clarify for others that find this post later, check that your spec.selector.matchlabels doesn't have labels that change each deployment like. I change the chart file every time i install or update, i. The essential reason for this problem is that two identical deployment (one deployed and one to. When i change image and use createorupdate again throw exception matchexpressions:.
MatchExpressions[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)} field is immutabl
I create a deployment use deployment use createorupdate.
Based on that, seems like your chart for version 5.9 is trying to use some. In api version apps/v1, a deployment’s label selector is immutable after it gets created. This is because the field spec.selector.matchlabels is immutable, so that, you cannot change it.
v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)} field is immutable · Issue 466
![helm upgrade 部署失败 MatchExpressions[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil](
helm upgrade 部署失败 MatchExpressions[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil