Craigslist Free Stuff Brooklyn Ikea Dresser

Mineola , ny free cast iron from a piano. Post what you want to declutter or give away stuff to make room or for people who need it. Free furniture, electronics, and more available for local pickup.

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Craigslist Free Stuff Brooklyn Ikea Dresser

Dresser, fair condition, one drawer broken. Also please don't offer or ask for animals, since they are not stuff. Dining set, tv stand, coffee table, bedside table!

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Craigslist allows me to do that—and i’m not talking about the “missed connections” section. Fisher price harley davidson trike $39 value. From entertainment to eating and drinking! Find stuff for free in downtown brooklyn on facebook marketplace.

Please respond with days and times that work for you. A local's guide to the amazing free things to do in brooklyn and cheap things to do in brooklyn! New york city freecycle has 28,483 people giving and getting free stuff and there are many more people and groups all across the united states. Free kitchen & kid stuff!

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Vintage ikea couch — needs repairs!!! So as long as i live here, i’ll continue to go online to part with my. Craigslist free stuff in long island, ny. Free bookshelf (+ the books on it, if you want!) $0.

Nyc has a platform called donatenyc, where you can put in what you have to donate (food, clothes, furniture, whatever) and it shows you places that can take it. On this group stuff is given entirely for free. Mystery box of household & personal items (11238) must take all. Forza motorsport 3 full track maps plus a lot more!

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Therefore please don't ask where to buy (even cheap) stuff.

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